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Recipes » Devils Tower Lodge Pear Frittata

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Devils Tower Lodge Pear Frittata
Pear Frittata@ Devils Tower Lodge.com

2 firm, ripe pears 1 T. sugar
2 T. butter or margarine 1 tsp. vanilla
6 large eggs 1/4 tsp. salt
1/3 cup milk 1/4 cup whipped cream cheese
1/4 cup flour 1 to 2 T. brown sugar

Peel and cut pears into ½” chunks. In 9” to 10” non-stick pan melt butter; add pears until lightly browned.

In bowl, blend eggs, milk, flour, sugar, vanilla and salt. Pour over pears. Bake at 425 degrees for 8 to 12 minutes.

Spoon cheese over serving portions. Sprinkle with brown sugar.

Recipe Submitted By:
Name: Frank Sanders
Company: Devils Tower Lodge
Website: www.devilstowerlodge.com
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